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Old Thu Dec 23, 2010, 12:17pm
Scratch85 Scratch85 is offline
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Posts: 569
In case of a False Double Foul or a False Multiple Foul, each foul carries its' own penalty.

We are instructed to treat the fouls as two separate occurrences and I believe we should administer and conduct the game accordingly. IMO. that means I will have two separate and independent actions.

I choose B for the 3 subs that are at the table in OP. Another thought is, the method of bringing in subs during multiple FT's was created to prevent delays. If we chose A, we must also allow any sub that reports to the table before the ball is at the Free-thrower's disposal but after the 3 subs were beckoned, to enter the game. Here come the delays that the rule is trying to prevent.

Last edited by Scratch85; Thu Dec 23, 2010 at 12:56pm.
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