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Old Thu Dec 23, 2010, 12:03pm
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee View Post
1) Naw, that's too deep for a dummy like me. I'm saying that I just try to follow a rule that I can show someone if questioned. That 3-3-1(d) in this situation.

2) Why wouldn't you? You now have left multiple free throws resulting from personal and technical fouls, not multiple free throws resulting from personal fouls only. NFHS rule 3-3-1(c) no longer is applicable and 3-3-1(d) is.
I've got multiple free throws resulting from a personal foul, followed by multiple free throws resulting from a technical foul. The word "only" isn't in 3-3-1C (at least not in my IAABO book). Methinks you're thinking too much.
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