Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Rule 3-3-1(c) is telling us what the substitution restrictions are for multiple free throws resulting from personal fouls. The situation described does NOT have multiple free throws resulting from personal fouls. It has multiple free throws resulting from personal and technical fouls. Therefore we can't use 3-3-1(c). It ain't applicable. If it was applicable, the rulesmakers wouldn't have specified personal fouls only. That means we have to look and see which other rule is applicable. And the only one available that is applicable is 3-3-1(d).
Rules rulz!
See if any of you can find something that states you can't bring the subs in as soon as the fouls are reported. Also see if you can find anything that states that you can't bring another legally reported sub(s) in after any one of the free throws in the sequence also. I don't know of any rule that says you can't but I'm sure willing to learn.
Y'all think too damn much. 
So, you're saying a double foul is its own entity, rather than simply two separate fouls? That's what it boils down to, it seems.
The way I see the situation, it has multiple free throws from a personal foul followed by multiple free throws from a technical foul.
New Sitch:
A1 fouled while shooting an unsuccessfull three point shot. During the first FT, Coach A is in the ear of the T, earning himself a seatbelt immediately after the first FT goes in. Subs are at the table as the T reports the T.
Are you letting them in now rather than after the 2nd (of 3) FT?