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Old Wed Dec 22, 2010, 10:05pm
JerzeeRef JerzeeRef is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: North Jersey
Posts: 18
Not pulling anyones chain here......just learning as I go along in this great game of life. It's always nice to see the different opinions out there.

Even though 3-7 Safety Concerns, allows me to use my judgement for any item that constitutes a safety concern.

So I have a child here that needs two eyes to drive, read, go to school, etc.etc., I now have this player closing one eye while trying to shoot or catch a pass or run, in my opinion this was a safety concern.

In you opinion, I might have been a little OOO, or Bull$hit. I'm sorry that we don't agree. But this was a first for me, I did not have time to think this over. I reacted to what I felt was a safety concern.

I could just see it now: The Judge "So, Mr. Referee you saw #12 remove his contact, close his eye and try to play, just before a pass, that he did not see crushed him in the face breaking his nose....and you felt this was not a safety concern? I'm sorry but you are still liable for his his injuries."
Doing my best each and every time.
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