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Old Mon Dec 20, 2010, 10:38am
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Originally Posted by Judtech View Post
SNAQ daddy- I meant it as I will let it go for as much time is left in the game. In this case, when half time arrived I would head over to the table and see if the teams were going to come out in the second half. It if was in the second half I would do the same at the end of the 3rd. I am just not convinced that it is my job to suspend/forfeit the game in this case. Both teams have plenty of players and there are no safety concerns so I'd let em play and let the powers that be take care of those two coaches.
IMO, it is needless inserting ourselves where we are not needed.
Fair enough; we'd handle it differently. Once it became obvious he's not stopping, I'm asking if he wants to forfeit. I'm sorry, but it's just not comparable to the other issues mentioned so far.

Once a coach gets to this point, though, it's going to escalate quickly IMO.

And if I'm the other coach and he pulled that on me with a 12 point lead in the 2nd quarter, I'll keep scoring as long as he's giving me the ball. You can also bet I'd press longer, too.
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