PLEASE make sure you don't give the PC signal (hand behind the head) for an off-ball "offensive" foul when playing under NFHS rules! The PC signal should only be used for player control situations (i.e., a foul by the player with the ball or by an airborne shooter without the ball), as other fouls by the offensive team can result in free throws if the other team is in the bonus. Simply report it as what type of foul it was (charge, block, hold).
Team control for NCAA depends on whether it is a men's or women's game. Men [should] use the NF "player control" signal, and women [should] use the "punch" mechanic for any foul by a member of the team in control of the ball, as there will not be any free throws for a common foul in this situation.
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."