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Old Fri Dec 17, 2010, 11:48am
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally Posted by A Pennsylvania Coach View Post
I'm only about 20 games into my season and I've had quite a few oddball things in my games already:
  • airhorn from the crowd during FTA late in a close JV-B game
  • I toss, jumper catches the ball and my partner freezes
  • little girl running onto the court at the opposite end just as we have a steal and a fastbreak
  • I'm lead, ball near sideline on my line near midcourt, and my partner calls OOB, incorrectly!
  • name missing from a scorebook, caught by counting the players in warmups and asking the coach to figure out the missing name and add it
  • an opinionated 6th grade girls' travel league coach scream at me to bring in her sub after a made basket, and when I let play continue she convinced the kid running the clock to hit the horn
  • a CYO coach either eject himself or get fired mid-game

As for the airhorn, the FT went in which was good because I wasn't sure at the moment what I would do if the horn caused him to miss. Biggest JV-B game of the year I had so far at the biggest school in my area, and since it was close and long the gym was nearly packed. It was the first of two, with the home down by one point and about 30 seconds left, just as the shooter released it. After the make, I stopped my partner and went to the game manager, who pointed at a security guard already headed up into the stands to get the kid, so we played on. Of course, with no horn on the second shot, the guy missed and we ended up in OT. And the varsity officials always love it when the JV game goes OT!

I was new lead on the play with the little girl on the court, 6th grade boys' CYO. I was sprinting back with my head turned at the guy who stole the ball and I didn't see her. Luckily my partner did and got a quick loud toot out to stop the ten-boy stampede headed at the three-year-old!

The missing name isn't that odd I suppose, but I've never had it before. It was the first time that counting the players actually mattered. I also like to go to the table at -11:30 so I feel like I'm following the letter of the rule in these situations, getting it resolved before the ten-minute-mark.

Oh and the CYO coach, I pinned him early in the second quarter (my only T so far this year), and a couple minutes later my partner got the assistant coach. He told the table that the HC now had two total Ts, one more and he was out. We looked up a minute or two later and the HC was not on the bench and nowhere in the gym that I saw. Didn't see him again. There were two other people now coaching the team, and neither of them ever said a word to us. We theorized that either he thought he was ejected, or the principal or somebody told him to leave!

Oh, and I had my first varsity game last Saturday! It went very smoothly. And I had five fans there--my wife, three friends, and a ref/mentor friend.
I had a streaker last year, middle of the second quarter. A senior boy from the home school. Ran right in front of me, around the court, and off the other corner. Might as well have called halftime at the point, cause it took that long for the players to get back into the game again. Personally, I was trying not to laugh (too much).

Ever notice streakers are always guys? Girls are too smart for that kind of thing.
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