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Old Thu Dec 16, 2010, 08:43pm
chseagle chseagle is offline
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What I am meaning by the using of the Sub-V timer is that they can be used as a back-up/alternate as long as they have the appropriate training/experience in case either the V Timer is relieved of duties or does not show up due to illness/other reasons.

I can only imagine last year, what might of happened had neither my wife or I been there with the V Timer not showing up due to illness. As far I know, there are not many trained to operate the scoreboard or are comfortable running the scoreboard during Varsity level games.

Concerning shot clock operations, I & my wife have been training my father. however he does not feel comfortable at all with doing Varsity Level games (even after doing shot clock at the Sub-V level for the past couple of years). If the need arose where he had to do Varsity shot clock, he'd just have to remember everything that he was taught & do all he can to blank out the crowd noise & focus on the action on the court alone.

I realize I have in the past complained about wishing I was V Timer all the time, however I now realize that if I am needed as V Timer I will be asked to assist if the need arises.

Just like the postings about officials doing only Varsity games & wanting to work only those games, the same can be said for table crew that you shouldn't be content with just doing Varsity level games, but also be willing to do the Sub-V games. Same can be said for those doing only Sub-V games, expect that sooner or later, you'll be asked to do Varsity games.

There is no need for the principal's or AD's e-mail for CHS as that is one of the many methods I am using to communicate with them.

Originally Posted by BktBallRef View Post
Again, that's not my concern or anything that I would have knowledge about. You need to find the forum that the principal or AD post on and ask them that question. Or I can get the prinicapl's email addy and you can email him.
"Ask not what your teammates can do for you. Ask what you can do for your teammates"--Earvin "Magic" Johnson
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