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Old Sat Dec 11, 2010, 11:39am
chseagle chseagle is offline
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Finally a constructive "non-condescending" answer/

All I have been doing is mentioning my understanding of rules & yet almost everyone that responds is trying to turn my a$$ into the grand canyon with no rhyme/reason except to exert their manhood where it does not belong.

Like stated a million times before (over-exaggerated) I am wanting to learn the proper meanings/reasonings behind the rules, yet majority of the time instead of politely explaining the proper use/meaning of the rule I am being fed to the wolves for just asking for clarifications.

Sorry to say this but almost everyone on here miserably fails as teachers as cannot calmly explain with rational thinking how/why a rule is written compared to how it is understood.

Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
And it's not even about us.

chseagle: Check out page seven of the NFHS rulebook. It doesn't have a number on it, but it's still a rule, a very important rule:
"Therefore, it is important to know the intent and purpose of a rule so that it may be intelligently applied in each play situation."

One intent and purpose of the "ten minute rule" is to ensure that rosters are written in the scorebooks before the game starts, so that we're not holding up the jump ball to start the game while the table is copying names, and numbers, into their respective scorebooks. Another intent and purpose is so that we don't have to hold up the game after the game starts to add a players name, and number, into the book. Officials, players, coaches, and fans want the kids play basketball, they don't want to watch scorekeepers making additions, or corrections, in the scorebook. And they certainly don't want to watch us officiating a free throw contest before clock actually starts.

I've been doing this for thirty years. Do you know how many times the book hasn't been "ready" at the ten minute mark? Dozens. Do you know how many technical fouls I've seen charged for the book not being "ready" at the ten minute mark? None. I've officiated over 700 high school games, and, probably, three, or four times, as many lower level games. Do you know how many games I've started with something other than a jump ball? None.

As an official, you just don't want to start the game with "administrative" free throws. Officials will always bend over backwards to work with coaches, and the table crew, within the intent and purpose of the rules, to start the game with a jump ball, the way, God, and Dr. Naismith, intended it. In thirty years, I have found all head coaches, and all table crew members, to fully agree with me.

Now, would someone please help me down from this soapbox. I'm getting dizzy up here.
BillyMac, your soapbox (to me) was only about 1-2 feet off the ground.
"Ask not what your teammates can do for you. Ask what you can do for your teammates"--Earvin "Magic" Johnson
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