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Old Fri Dec 10, 2010, 10:44am
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Originally Posted by Smitty View Post
With this association, I would be told who my partner was when I was called for the last minute assignment, so I know at that point that the guy I should be working with was also assigned by my assigner, and therefore would have to be certified. However if, for some reason, someone else was there other than the guy my assigner mentioned, then I would probably have to take his word. I am new in Texas, so I don't know anyone - that makes it difficult to recognize if someone is in the association based on meetings and past games.

This would likely never be an issue with a Varsity game. I would think my partners would wonder more about me since I am new to the state - they likely know each other.

We are told to make sure we communicate with our partners as well, so I would likely call the person I am working with on a last minute assignment as well. That way they know to expect me as their partner instead of the guy they likely saw on Arbiter.
Yeah, I was thinking that with situations like ours, we can be relatively confident any partner we get is appropriately certified and qualified (two different things). Our assigners are careful enough. But we put a lot of trust in our assigners on this issue.

As Scratch notes, however, that's not always the case.

I personally wouldn't think twice about it.
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