Originally Posted by Snaqwells
I've learned that every single crowd can count to 3. Pretty sure the coaches taught them.
True that
Have to share a story from just this Tues night. There was a holler momma ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H enthusiastically vocal mother of a student-athlete in the stands who during live play had started in on the 3 secs on a couple of trips during the second half. The ball went out of bounds near where she sat. During the dead ball, subs came in an out so there was a slight delay. I was administrating the throw in so I'm within 25 feet or so of this lady.
With the ball still under my arm she bellows out "SEE he's in the lane already! 3 seconds! He's in the lane." It was all I could do not to lose it laughing.