Thread: What I learned
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Old Thu Dec 09, 2010, 10:44am
Terrapins Fan Terrapins Fan is offline
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What I learned

Not that I haven't learned a lot, but it sound like a good thread title.

I'll share one and you guys can share.

I learned last year that there is more to being the "R" than tossing the ball.

Now, I know there is more, but I had a problem in a game where the 3 of us weren't calling the game the same. U1 and I were calling it tight, while U2 was calling it loose.

What I learned was, I need to get U2 to get with our game since I was the "R".

I didn't do it because I didn't know how. We've got to lean to communicate without offending a partner. I have since learned to do that.

The players need consistency.

What have you learned?
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