The Oregon thing is a good thing!
Again KWH great job! As you saw, I included both PSK and non-PSK plays to help Illustrate the difference and show that necessary criteria must be met before we go marching off yardage from the PSK enforcement spot and giving an undeserving R the ball. As far as how the Fed PSK is going to finally be written, Im not much more optimistic then Bob is thinking theyll probably adulterate it all to peaces. But the more familiar I get with the philosophy of PSK and its enforcement, the less scary it is for me and hopefully Ill be ready to for any loops they deem fit to toss in the mix.
I got most of these plays from a 2002 KHSAA Football Rules Clinic. Kentucky experimented with PSK last year using these criteria
10-4-3 (new)
The basic spot is the spot where the kick ends when Team R fouls occur:
a. During scrimmage kick plays other than a try;
b. During a scrimmage kick play in which the ball crosses the expanded neutral zone;
c. Beyond the expanded neutral zone;
d. Before the end of the kick;
e. When Team K does not have possession of the ball when the kick ends;
Team R fouls behind the PSK spot are spot fouls.
Check the wording in a. and b.
a.) During scrimmage kick plays,
b.) During a scrimmage kick play.
Im hoping beyond hope itll be the same for all of us this year.
BTW .. Your ruling on the clean hands play was the same as theirs.
Fourth and five on Team K's 20-yard line. Team K is in an illegal formation at the snap. While K16's punt is in flight beyond the line, R24 blocks K88 in the back at midfield. R40 catches the kick at his 36-yard line and returns it for a touchdown.
Ruling: Team R may keep the ball by declining the penalty for Team K's foul. The penalty for R24's foul will then be marked off via post-scrimmage kick enforcement. The basic spot is where the kick ended - Team R's 36-yard line. The foul is enforced 10 yards from that spot, resulting in first and 10 for Team R at their 26-yard line. If Team R chooses to accept the penalty for Team K's illegal formation, the result is a double foul and fourth down is replayed
no Maryland-Modified-Bantam/PeeWee-DeRock common sense football ruling was offered (thank God 8^)