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Old Tue Dec 07, 2010, 01:56pm
Refsmitty Refsmitty is offline
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Location: Michigan
Posts: 280
1st Wack - missed 2nd!

2nd half - Captain spins down the lane out of control - throws up a brick - came up screeming "How Can That Not Be A Foul?" Throwing arms up and the whole deal. Felt he got pushed in the back - I saw no push...

Wack! As I go to report - he sits on the end of the bench with arms on head... thought later that I should have got him again by rule for unsporting.

After the game - I find out that the coach has instructed them due to his rule that a T means sitting rest of game... instructed them to sit on the bench. Coach may learn the hard way down the road eh?
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