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Old Fri Jan 24, 2003, 02:53pm
mick mick is offline
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Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
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Originally posted by JLC
Mick, I apologize if I took your comment wrong. I usually don't react like that. Was in a bad mood this morning (overslept, it's been below zero for about 7 days, we had some kind of e-mail virus, etc). I have come to respect your responses on this board. That is why it kind of surprised me. Didn't mean to start something.

By the way, I am not a real, paid coach. I am a volunteer youth coach, and really quite mellow on the sidelines.
Not a real coach? ...Dealing with youth as a volunteer? ...Caring about rules? Rethink that, you are a real coach. You sound like an official's first line of defense.
I woke U.P. to 4 degrees this morning and thought it was heavenly.
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