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Old Sun Dec 05, 2010, 12:15am
stiffler3492 stiffler3492 is offline
I miss being on the floor
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Hartford, WI
Posts: 917
FT Disconcertion

Had this happen tonight and wanted to get everyone's opinions on it.

Less than a minute to go in the 4th quarter, the outcome of the game is not in doubt.

A1 is on the free throw line with two shots coming. During the first shot, B1 is lined up in the first lane space. She's clapping her hands and saying "Come on Knights (oddly enough both teams were the Knights)". After the first shot, which A1 made, I grab the ball (as the lead, administering the FTs), and before I give it back to the shooter, say to B1 "I know what you're doing and I want you to stop it".

After I bounce the ball to the shooter for the second shot, B1 is now waving to the crowd, trying to incite crowd noise. A1 made the second shot and away we went.

I could have awarded a substitute free throw if A1 missed the second shot, but are there grounds for an unsporting tech here?
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