Originally posted by hawkk
gotta disagree with you here -- this is a pretty basic rule that every official should know . . . we get a lot of arcane discussions about unique applications here that are easily forgiveable to ref who doesn't know them, but this is a basic, fundamental rule. What other rules ignorance is OK -- refs who don't know there is rule against double dribble? Don't know there is a 5 second closely guarded rule?
There are plenty of rules that everyone should know but they don't. In fact, there are a lot more who don't know them that there are that do. I never said any rule of ignorance was okay and I'm not excusing the guy for missing the call, just pointing out to the youngster that we all make mistakes as we learn and he will to. Nobody becomes a rules guru overnight.
He11, we've got NCAA D1 officials who are giving traveling signals on spot violations. Don't you think they should know better? Yet we had people taking up for them. I'm just saying that this is probably a young official that may be getting a few varsity games but obviously doesn't have it all down pat yet. Not everyone has the opportunity to attend clinics or participate in a forum such as this.
It's okay if you don't agree but that's JMHO.
[Edited by BktBallRef on Jan 24th, 2003 at 10:47 AM]