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Old Thu Dec 02, 2010, 08:41am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by bainsey View Post
The only time I've ever seen this was on a free throw. I had the delayed disconcertion violation, but the free throw was good, so I simply spoke with the kid.

We are instructed here to T up repeated yelling when it's obviously designed to taunt ("dead dead dead"), but it's questionable whether this is applicable in the OP.

Here's a thought. If A-1 goes on an easy breakaway, and Coach B spews profanity along the way, we are supposed to hold the T until after the shot. Let's say, in the OP, the shooter misses the shot. What about using judgment that the yelling caused this miss? (If the shot is good, what's wrong with merely speaking to young yeller?)

By the way, I never bothered to ask this: "OOO?"
"Dead, dead, dead" is taunting? Not here -- it's notice to the other players to change the defense.

OOO ==> Overly Officious Oaf

On the OP, it would have to be significantly more egregious than I have ever seen or heard of for me to call a T (in the absence of specific instruction from above).
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