It would be nice if everyone did it the same way...
REPLY: Unfortunately, many local associations (mine included) don't have the luxury of having observers evaluate and enforce uniform mechanics. As a result, many crews depart from approved techniques.
Our crew pretty much follows the technique described by Ed. While we do move the downfield foot (closest the LTG) slightly forward, the important thing is that it's always the downfield foot. If I (L) don't have the spot because of being screened out, I mirror the H's spot but I stand with my feet apart to indicate to the U that he should take the spot from the H. If I clearly have the spot, I will tell the U as much. And if the LTG is threatened, I'll come in as far as I can to the dead ball spot without going around or climbing over players and ask the U for the ball. Most of the time, any players between you and the ball will clear and allow you to continue coming in to the dead ball spot.
One other thing...if the line to gain is not threatened, please don't come running in hard to sell a spot that really doesn't mean that much. Stay wide, mark the forward progress spot, and keep your head on a swivel to watch dead ball activity in your side zone.
Bob M.