Originally posted by Tim C
5. Please dont call a foul on the inside guy when he blocks out readying to rebound. EVEN if he reaches back and touches the guy behind him please dont call the foul. The guy is doing what he is taught, let him do his job.
Gotta disagree on this one to some extent. If it's just a slight touch, I agree. If, however, the inside player starts pushing his opponent, or if the hand blocks/grabs the opponent, the foul needs to be called - it doesn't matter if the player was taught to do that, he was taught wrong. (We would call a travel if a player did the jump stop incorrectly, right?)
I had a situation Wednesday night in a co-rec game where I called a girl underneath for a push during rebounding. As I was going to the reporting area, she said to me 'I'm just pushing her with away with my hips,' to which I replied that was illegal. Way too many players (at least at the level I ref) think that "boxing out" is completely legal - even if there is contact which puts the opponent at a disadvantage. It needs to be called and cleaned up.