1) Never say never. As Rut posted, there are occasions when a "T" actually makes the game better. When a coach is incessantly whining for every call right out of the gate, a "T" can often shut up his pie-hole and make for a very enjoyable game. By stressing this, you might make your newbies think they have to put up with a coach verbally abusing them.
2) Never say never. Usually, yes, but there are times to not go over to a frustrated coach. Sometimes it's best to just stay away.
3) Agree.
4) OK.
5) If he blocks out legally sure. But if he roots out his opponent or is using his hands and arms to trap the person behind him, that's a holding foul. If the coach is teaching him illegal techniques, it's out job to call him on it.
6) You really think that having a towel at the scorer's table is important enough to merit a top 10 list of important things to tell a new ref? Who cares if they fold it after they use it? Why fold it if the players are just going to blow their nose in it? :-) (you said it)
7) Amen.
8) OK.
9) Disagree completely. Don't be a travel ref. Anybody can go out there and call a travel if it looks funny. Fans get all riled up several times a game over things that look like travels but aren't. Call a travel based on the rule which is about the pivot foot, not whether or not it looks funny.
10) You betcha.