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Old Wed Nov 24, 2010, 07:58pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
I would put it in the category of unknown rules that they really don't care about.
I don't give a rat's derriere about fans understanding, or not understanding, this rule, but it would be nice it players, and coaches, understood the rule. Then I wouldn't have to flash my "Fashion Police" badge every few games.

Last season a photo appeared in a major metropolitan newspaper of a high school state tournament game worked by our local board officials where a girl with a white (home) jersey was wearing a red headband (illegal last year, legal this year). Our interpreter made it part of his Powerpoint presentation and, without mentioning any names, reamed us all out.

And if you think that this rule can't be enforced consistently, then guess again. Undershirt, headband, wrist bands, and jewelry rules are strictly enforced in the Catholic middle school league that I work. If we, as officials, don't enforce these rules, we don't get paid by our assigner. All officials know this, as do all coaches. After a few reminders the first week of the season, we no longer have any problems with these "Fashion Police" rules. No, "The officials last week let him wear his lucky purple and yellow striped headband". And some of these kids are in second, or third grade, coached by volunteer parents. If they "get" the rule, then high school varsity players, coached by paid coaches, can "get" the rule.

Would somebody please help me down from my soapbox. I'm getting dizzy up here.

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Last edited by BillyMac; Wed Nov 24, 2010 at 08:26pm.
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