From BRD, section 24,
""Off interp 12-24: "A play or attempted play...(original emphasis) shall be interperted as a legitimate effort by a defensive player who has possession of the ball to actually retire a runner. This may include an actual attempt to tag a runner, a fielder running toward a base with the ball in an attempt to force or tag a runner, or actually throwing to another defensive player in an attempt to retire a runner. A fake or a feint to throw shall not be deemed a play or an attempted play."....
From BRD, setion 25,
..."For purpose of measuing awards, the act of fielding is not a "play".
(end quotes)
Therefor the act of catching a ball, grounder or in flight, would not be a play. The fielder must then make some attempt to retire a runner after the catch.
3rd base would be the proper award for your R1, two bases from time of pitch.
Roger Greene,
Member UT
Edit: see also NAPBL section 3.1.
[Edited by Roger Greene on Nov 4th, 2000 at 05:49 PM]