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Old Thu Nov 18, 2010, 12:40pm
ajmc ajmc is offline
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Originally Posted by waltjp View Post
Alf, sometimes I think you just write crap to get a reaction. You can't be serious. Have you ever heard the term, "appearance of impropriety."
Once again, Walt, you and the usual chorus of echos filter everything through your own prisms and wind up with your own foggy picture. My above comment has nothing to do with the "appearance of impropriety" as beheld by someone who has absolutely no credibility whatsoever in making such a judgment.

This bozo pontificates his opinions and denegrates the intentions and conduct of a fellow official, based entirely on his personal standards, which don't seem anywahere near the standards of the profession he has chosen to denigrate. If you are going to question someone's integrity, you should have absolute, conclusive proof of what you are suggesting, of shut your face until you do.

Your usual mastery of the obvious adds nothing. The "appearance of impropriety" is sadly an occupational reality. It has been developed, ingrained and populated by people who lack any credibility to do so, and in my humble opinion should be criticized whenever it rears it's ugly head.

We all respond to it in different ways, but none of US should ever defend it's relevance. Sure we have to deal with it, most accept it begrudgingly but only the truly weak minded among us are stupid enough to agree with it.

You shouldn't worry all that much about people who don't matter concluding things that don't count. It goes with the territory.
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