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Old Wed Nov 17, 2010, 12:00pm
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Originally Posted by bainsey View Post

Anyway, looking at the four again...

1. Players don't huddle accidentally. = intent
2. Water doesn't get spilled deliberately. = usually no intent, though this rule came from an intentional, sneaky nature
3. Defenders rarely cross the plane deliberately. = no intent/usually reckless
4. Hitting the ball may be the only one where it matters. = intent

I generally agree with the breakdown, but it can't be the "only one that matters" if there's intent involved in the huddle too, right?
It doesn't "matter" if it's never absent. The only one of the four where intent is both required and potentially absent is #4.
1. I've never seen them huddle by accident, so it's not relevant in practice.
2. Water on the floor will get penalized regardless of intent; it could be accidental or it could be intentional. Doesn't matter.
3. Same as #2. It's usually an accident, but occasionally it's intentional. Either way, unless there's less than 5 seconds on a running clock, you penalize it.
4. Can happen by accident or intent, but typically only penalized when there is inent. Note, the player may hit the ball in an attempt to be helpful, but if he purposefully hits the ball and it delays the throw-in; violation.
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