Originally Posted by chseagle
1) Page 81 of the rules book in the 2010-2011 Major Rules Differences (NFHS vs. NCAA) states under time out(s) reduction for NFHS:
"Reduced if both teams are ready"
I've gotten in the habit of sounding the horn if one team is ready while the other is still in the huddle.
2) Concerning the timer not sounding the horn when they should, they are pre-occupied with something else, not properly trained, or not watching the stopwatch/time out timer.
1) Whyinthehell would you ever do anything like that when you KNOW both teams aren't ready? Rule 2-12-4 tells you exactly when to blow your horn on timeouts. Just follow the rules, mind your own business and keep your nose out of things in the game that are absolutely no concern at all of yours. And furthermore....lah me.
2) If timers aren't properly trained they should be directed...nay, ordered.... it should be made mandatory....mandatory, I tell ya....to enrol in Chseagle's Four-Star Summer Timing Camp For Wayward Timers. Motto-
"Watch a legend in action!"