Originally Posted by ajmc
If adhering to your belief, every time, works for you, you are likely better off adhering to what you believe is correct. However, it may be just a tad beyond the reach of your headlights to suggest, or imply, that anyone who might disagree somewhat with your belief is "wrong".
It's not OUR belief ... it's the beliefs of the folks that write the manual, and those that train us and evaluate us. This is not a "do what works for you" area. Additionally, I fail to see ANY benefit to working on the field in a 4 (or more) man system. The distance gained is immaterial - your angle is far more important. I'm not understanding why you seem to think that because YOU believe it, it's accepted. It's not.
(3 man - or 2 - is a completely different animal... without an umpire wings HAVE to pinch in, or R is in for a very very long day.)