Originally Posted by mbcrowder
No more rules insanity like in the other thread...
Game was between the #2 and #3 14U teams in the league, close game, well pitched... yet somehow we have THREE look-back violations in the same inning, none of the "normal" variety.
Sitch 1: R1 on first. Batter strikes out, R1 slowly walks to 2nd base as if it was a walk. Ball back to the pitcher. 2nd baseman says, "it wasn't a walk, you have to go back." and she does. OUT.
Sitch 2: bottom of same inning. Bases loaded, pitch is a ball making the count 3-2. R3 starts trotting to 2nd, gets halfway, stops, turns around and asks the umpire if that was 4 balls. OUT.
Sitch 3: bases reloaded. Pitch is a strike making it 3-2. R2 this time hangs her head and starts to walk toward her dugout (3B), stops midway, faces the pitcher with her hands on her hips with at "wth" look on her face. BU gives her a lot of "deciding which way to go leeway" before calling her out.
Is sitch #1 a LBR violation? You didn't say that R1 reached and stopped on 2nd; if so, sure. But, if she simply changed direction without reaching and stopping on the base, I don't have a violation; I have the one legal stop and change of direction any runner between bases may legally make.
Again, it may be you left out the part I consider critical; or maybe we differ on the rule application. Asking for clarification.