Originally Posted by drofficial
You cannot defend this call by rule either. There is nothing whatsoever about feet being shoulder-width apart (that's only on setting legal screens). In fact, a player is allowed to move laterally to maintian legal guarding position, and it is impossible to move laterally with out spreading feet.
Um, I can.
Specifically NFHS rule 4-23-1--
"A player who extends an arm, shoulder, hip or LEG into the path of an opponent is not considered to have a legal position if contact occurs."
And you can add rule 4-45-6..
"The defender may not belly up or use the LOWER PART OF THE BODY or arms to cause contact outside of his/her vertical plane which is a foul."
Those are basics. Always a judgment call but if you think that a leg is extended, you should call a block every time.