Originally Posted by shipwreck
I had plantar fasciitus but my pain was in my heel. I had cortizone injections but that only took care of the problem for 2 weeks. I have high arches and bought some orthodics and the problem went completely away within 3 days. Dave
According to my Doctor, mostly the pain is in the heel, but my pain in the ball of the foot is also symptomatic.
Cortizone is a possible course of action, but first I'm concentrating on arch shoes that fit properly, support, and ice...
I went out and replaced my 11EE with 11EEEE, going to a medical orthonic place to look for the right arch support.
I'm embarressed to admit that I hadn't paid that much attention to my feet before, but I just went out for a walk in my EEEEs and the difference is amazing...
(enough about my feet, now lets go back to talking about beer)