Thread: Fixing MLB
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Old Wed Oct 27, 2010, 12:28pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by PeteBooth View Post
As Rut said other then Jeter and AROD what other baseball star(s) is a "household word" In football there are plenty of them.

Baseball needs fixing.

Pete Booth
Favre, Adrian Peterson, TO, Ocho Cincho (not even there real or original names), Tebow, Drew Brees, Ray Lewis, Big Ben, Vince Young, Payton Manning, Eli Manning, Reggie Bush, Randy Moss and Tom Brady. I could go on and on too. We know who the person that is on the cover of Madden Football (the highest selling video game). Most people do not even know what the MLB video game is or cares who is on the cover. And this is a sport with helmets and their faces being covered. There is more talk about Tom Brady's hair than there is about Cliff Lee or Halladay pitching ability. Football has 53 guys on each roster and baseball has only 25 for most of the season. We know what colleges a football player is in and the NFL even moved their draft to a Thursday and it had better ratings than many NBA playoff games.

It is all about the marketing.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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