Originally Posted by GA Umpire
Everything I have said is being reiterated in this one post. Word it how you want to so you will accept the reason. But, it still comes down to "What people are willing to sit through and watch". The down time is still the same. Even in soccer, the ball is passed around until someone goes for the shot. The "dead" time is passing the ball around until a score attempt is made. Perception of "action" is everything. ALL sports have "dead" time. What the viewer perceives as that time is PERCEPTION.
Check out the attached link which lists the Nielson ratings for the World Series.
Bottom Line - People are NOT watching baseball anymore. Marketing DOES play an important role and the NFL prooves it. As mentioned the NFL was NO -where near baseball "back in the day" and now it's KING
You cannot sell your product without it.
As Rut said other then Jeter and AROD what other baseball star(s) is a "household word" In football there are plenty of them.
Baseball needs fixing.
Pete Booth