Originally Posted by GA Umpire
Everything I have said is being reiterated in this one post. Word it how you want to so you will accept the reason. But, it still comes down to "What people are willing to sit through and watch". The down time is still the same. Even in soccer, the ball is passed around until someone goes for the shot. The "dead" time is passing the ball around until a score attempt is made. Perception of "action" is everything. ALL sports have "dead" time. What the viewer perceives as that time is PERCEPTION.
I am not trying to continue to debate this time. But Soccer if understood is considered one of the most action packed games. I was at the World Cup this summer and it was clear that there was a lot of action and a lot to watch. TV does not do that game justice as there is so much of the field/pitch that the public does not see only on TV. Games are much more exciting in person or on HDTV. But then again the world watches that game on a bigger scale than anything that is seen in this country. Much more passion by the average person in that sport. The entire country talks about their team playing in the World Cup or a major tournament. I do not see any real equivelant in our American Sports. Maybe the Super Bowl, but that is a one day event.
Originally Posted by GA Umpire
I did not like DS play when it came out and still don't. NCAA has this same issue in the spring. Many watch for their favorite team in the top 64 and lose interest for a while if their team isn't in it anymore. Then, when it dwindles down to the top 16 or even 4, those not watching watch b/c the number involved is less. But, again, it comes down to "ADD". I have it when it comes to the NCAA tournament.
Really? I think the NCAA Men's Tournament has more viewers than just about any major sporting event that last over an extended period of time other than the NFL Playoffs and if you want to include the Super Bowl. CBS paid more money to have the rights for the Super Bowl than just about any other national contract. And it is a month long event. And you have a passionate fan base when people that went to those schools are watching and even communities those kids came from are playing. As well as exciting finishes and seeing an underdog beat a big boy in that tournament. I know people that take off work or watch online games in the middle of the day. Do they do that for baseball?
Originally Posted by GA Umpire
You don't want to pay attention to the game b/c of its duration and "lack of pace" which you don't like. Then, don't watch it and don't complain about it when it happens. I like the game just fine the way it is. Have since I was 7. And, I don't want it to change. It is a great sport for ME.
I will comment on the game all I want to. If you do not like others saying why they do not like the sport as much, you are just going to have to deal with it.
And this thread was asking what can be done to fix the game. I think the game needs fixing and how long the game takes is directly involved in what goes on inbetween pitches and how long it takes for a batter to get back to the box. Something needs to be done or the dial will change (showing my age).
Originally Posted by GA Umpire
And, I don't think marketing has anything to do with it. It is just a personal preference for each individual. You either watch it and like it or you don't. Marketing isn't going to change the length of time the game takes. No amount of marketing is going to change that. Maybe not forming "dynasties" will help but not really. Fans of a team will watch regardless of who their team is playing.
That is fine. But if the public has no idea who the top player is at a big time position that is a problem. It is really a problem if you want someone to watch your game and they cannnot even identify who the stars are. There are more stars than A-Rod and Jeter. You obviously not selling the game to the right people and you are not making it viable for the kids to watch by playing games 12:00am before the game is over on a school day. Again the game starts tonight on a school day and will not end early enough for most of the kids to watch. You better market something if you want them to stay up or their parents to allow them to stay up.
Originally Posted by GA Umpire
I think the playoffs are too long and drawn out with DS play. The same teams are being displayed for about 4 weeks to everyone. And, now there is discussion of stretching the playoffs. That is a major reason why people are bored with the playoffs. They are lasting too long with the same teams.
And you do not think marketing has anything to do with this at all? Someone at MLB thinks something is wrong or they would not bring in the idea.