Well I will justify my existence by saying that I don't have to justify my existence. So take THAT!!

I work NCAA - W and enjoy it. I liked women's basketball before I started and like it even now. Maybe it goes back to college where the Men's and Women's team were real close and supported each other that I never got a "bad taste". It is different than the men's game, not better, not worse just different. There obviously are not the above the rim plays, but there are plays that Men's officials won't have to make b/c we have players who have to use something other than athleticism to accomplish the same tasks men's players do.
As for officials in general, I have friends on both sides. IME, I find that there is more emphasis on coming together as a crew (seen as lack of male organs by some) on the women's side than the mens. There are more than enough egos on the women's side to make life interesting. And enough crappy, promoted before they were ready officials on both sides as well. In short, I just like the women's side more. That doesn't make it better than the men's side, just what I enjoy. I do not begrudge anyone on the men's side for what they do, and if they disparage what I do, they are obviously trying to overcompensate for a lack of something!