ASA 2011 Proposed Rule Changes Part II
Here are some of the relative rule changes which will be presented for consideration in a couple weeks at the ASA National Convention in Shreveport, LA. Some are very general.
My opinions are strictly that, my opinions and not meant to portray that of anyone else or any association.
Let's do all a favor and when discusssing, cite and discuss just one per post. This may help keeping others straight on the subject at hand.
Rule 7.3 Removes Masters from the 1-1 count exemption
Reasoning: Many Masters participants already play at other levels with this rule and desire consistency.
My opinion: Makes sense to me.
Rule 7.3 Remove the FP/MP requirement of keeping a foot in the batter’s box between pitches.
Reasoning: Safety of catchers and umpires from “practice swings”
My opinion: While I think the “practice swing” is absurd at that point in time, it makes sense as long as the umpires are willing to direct players to enter the box and be prepared to hit in the required 10 seconds.
Rule 7.6 Allows for a courtesy foul in SP
Reasoning: In Western Men’s E in Boise, ID, the teams felt they were being cheated of playing time because the 1-1 count shortened the games as it was.
My opinion: Puh-leese! Are you kidding? E ball had quick games because they couldn’t hit a pitched strike into fair territory? The games I have observed seem to be just fine. It is SP softball where the batter has the advantage of hitting the ball wherever they choose. The 1-1 count has just completed its second year in ASA championship play and I see no reason to move off something which seems to be not only successful throughout the system, but expected in many areas of the game. But, if the courtesy foul keeps the 1-1 in place, so be it.
Rule 7.6 A batted ball the hits a pitcher without first having hit their glove and, in the umpire’s judgment, the pitcher did not intentionally allow him/herself to be hit, the batter is to be ruled out.
Reasoning: Safety. Discourages players from hitting up the middle.
My opinion: Stupid. Last time I checked, the pitcher’s plate was in fair territory. Ringling Bros, where is that clown car? Maybe we should just put up a in front of the pitcher? I would suggest we switch to whiffle balls, but they really sting and we wouldn’t want that, would we. Hey, it’s part of the game. Agree it can be dangerous, but so can being restricted to a base until the ball is hit and they are closer than most fielders
Rule 8.4 Eliminate stealing in SP
Reasoning: “The teams do not want stealing. No leagues allow stealing”
My opinion: This may be true in Upper Central PA, but I know as a fact, AFA game-wide, these statements just are not true. Stealing is not that big of an issue, the teams have learned how to take advantage of it, it brings a catcher back to being a catcher instead of a retriever and there are leagues in this country that do permit stealing, some before ASA even made it official
Rule 8.7 Adds verbiage to define it as an out when “a fielder contacts the base while in control of the ball with any part of the body or extension thereof, any clothing or equipment in contact with the body or tags the runner before the runner reaches the base.”
Reasoning: “Several umpires that had attended a national umpire school suggested this to clarify “force out” in regards to what constitutes “contact with the base.”
My opinion: Someone was Clintonesque and looking for boogers. Not only is this completely unnecessary, it is worded so poorly, it is bound to draw a few arguments. And if this is the case for a force out, does it equally apply on a live ball appeal when touching the base to which a runner is attempting to return and retouch or will the argument be that it doesn't since it is not addressed as specifically as this is?
Rule 8.7 Eliminates the out on a LBR violation.
Reasoning: Present penalty is excess and not necessary for rule to be effective. Rule remains exactly the same just that the runner is not called out.
My opinion: As we continue to see, even at the upper levels of play, this rule is quite subjective and can have a devastating effect on a game.
Rule 10 Umpire uniform issues. Permit a grey ball bag with grey slacks and allow a black or silver mask.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.