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Old Tue Jan 21, 2003, 07:43am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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I only saw the highlights on ESPN. The commentator said and so-and-so is called for traveling. So I immediately looked at the official and sure enough he was giving the travel signal. I was irate, since even I know that the dribbling and traveling rules do not apply during a throw-in. How this official could not know one of the Basketball Rules Fundamentals baffles me.
As for kneeling down and pointing at the spot for 2 or 3 seconds, I did see this too, but on the highlights this action was shown after the play and the call, so I thought that the official was doing this to justify the call.
If you saw the whole game, I will accept your description of the events.
You did see the travel signal, right?
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