This may help: Basketball IS a contact sport, not a collision sport. It is up to the officials to decide what type of contact constitutes a foul. The governing bodies give us direction in what constitutes a foul. As a former player it is a WHOLE lot easier to keep up with quicker players if I can keep a hand on them (hand check) and match up with taller stronger players with an arm bar. This is why we have heard terms such as "Hot Stove Touch" being legal and the emphasis onthe word "Displacement" for arm bars. Further, governing bodies have stated that putting two hands on a ball handler is an automatic foul. This is very fun to call when the play is 35 feet from the basket and the ball handler is just standing there and here comes the defender placing a hand/hands on them when no one is moving. Tweet! Foul. While we may not agree that it hinders Speed, Rythm or Balance, it is irrelevant and must be called.
Sometimes we just have to call what "They" want us to call wheter we agree with it or not. Hope that helps