Thread: FIBA Question
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Old Wed Oct 20, 2010, 02:45pm
Ref_in_Alberta Ref_in_Alberta is offline
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Originally Posted by Jay R View Post
With FIBA's new backcourt and frontcourt status, I have a question.

The new rule says that FC status is only achieved when both feet and the ball are in the FC. What about the status of the official?

A5 (in the BC) passes to A4 who is stradling the division line (no FC status yet). A4 passes the ball which deflects off the official who is straddling the division line and the ball is picked by A3 in the BC.

Over and back? Did the official have BC or FC status? Until this year, this would have been over and back for sure. I'm not certain now.
ART 11.2 The location of an official is determined in the same manner as that of a player. When the ball touches an official, it is the same as touching the floor at the official's location.


ART 30.1.1 The ball goes into a team's backcourt when:
  • It touches the backcourt.
  • It touches or is legally touched by an offensive player who has part of his body in contact with the backcourt.
  • It touches an official who has part of his body in contact with the backcourt.

The ball never had legal FC status so therefore No BC violation, 8 second count is still on.

That's my take on it...
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