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Old Wed Oct 20, 2010, 08:34am
ncaaref2001 ncaaref2001 is offline
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QUOTE=bob jenkins;697179]ncaaref is bringing up this 7 month old post because this is one of the questions on the NCAAW's test this year.

And, I agree with him, that it doesn't seem to be covered in the NCAA book (or, that the rule doesn't distinguish between a foul "in bounds" or "oob" on an inbounder)[/QUOTE]

Exactly Bob and as stated in Rule 4.29.d5 5. Contact with a player making a throw-in. (Women) This act shall
also serve as a team warning for reaching through the boundary.

It is really not clear because the first part does not say that the defender reached through the boundary plane and the second part says that there should be a warning issued for reaching through the boundary plane. It needs to be much more clear.
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