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Old Sat Oct 16, 2010, 09:30pm
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by txtrooper View Post
George Hancock and every softball player after him knew or knows that softball bases are ran in order of 1ST, 2ND, 3RD and then home plate. In the referenced post, running to third could be judged a travesty or ridiculous representation of what a runner is supposed to do after becoming a batter runner. I would apply it to the situation under the referenced rule.
As previously stated, I understand and agree that the correct order is 1,2,3,4 and all ruling should take that in consideration.

IRISH, as Umpires, do we not have a liability to insure the safety of the game? I would be willing to bet that any reasonable umpire would not allow a infielder to participate in a fastpitch softball game without a glove. I would reference Rule 10.1 and state that if ASA intends for us to enforce the helmet chin strap rule, then they would support an umpire’s decision to not allow an infielder to play w/o a glove.
And you are going to lose the subsequent protest. You are there to officiate the game under the rules to which the teams agreed to play. As noted, this and the helmet strap rule are specifically covered in the rules which negates the umpires ability to use the god rule.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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