"Hey -- tuck it in"
don't have the book with me... But say it's a close game, A is with ball and up by one, double bonus, 10 sec or less left and B fouls the A's worst shooter, say a .500 foul shooter. He misses the field goal and gets two at the line. Foulee pulls shirt out, is sent off, better shooter (all that remain are better shooters) picked to take the shot, sinks two. Team B, which made strategic foul on a specific player believing they had a good chance he'd hit one or none, so that a field goal would win or tie if they got possession, now must sink a three to tie because A1s violation let A get the lousy shooter off the line. If the lousy shooter went to the line, B would have a good chance at a rebound, and maybe a t/o, after he hits none or one of two.
"So son, you are awful at the line, so if you get fouled in the last half minute, pull your shirt out so we can get someone else to the line"
Or did I miss something?