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Old Wed Oct 13, 2010, 10:57am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Upward ref View Post
re: 2) ok then, B was the last to touch , B caused backcourt status not A1 or A2. end of discussion ! OR ;

I dont think I want to try and keep up with you big dogs on the merits of the ruling,
4 )but as a newbie I need to understand if B's tipp has no bearing because of A still having team control ? if not ,then it's completely different than a tip out of bounds and oob discussions/comparisons just muddy up the waters for me.
5) This situation wouldn't change for an interrupted dribble either since team control is maintained during an int. dribble?
6) on the signifigance of the ball hitting the floor ( still in sit. 10 interp) : if the ball hits the floor after the tip by B , A 1 or A2 can recover and not violate ? Whats the difference if it hits the floor before A's recovery or not ??
7) does A's recovery make any difference : if he / she is in the air from f/c status ,recovers a)before it bounces, or b) after it bounces ,following B's tip and lands in the backcourt ?
It's a lot of stuff for a simple deflection !!!
4 Requirements, all must be met:

1) Team Control
2) Ball Reaches Front Court
3) A last to touoch before ball goes to BC
4) A first to touch after ball goes to BC

The case play says both 3 and 4 are met at once by A's catching the ball. They clearly are not both met when the ball touches the floor in the BC after B's tip.

The rest of your questions can be answered by following those 4 Requirements (and allowing for the exceptions of jump ball, thorw-in, defensive player)
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