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Old Mon Jan 20, 2003, 12:46pm
Ed Hickland Ed Hickland is offline
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Originally posted by mikesears
Originally posted by nvfoa15
#3 1/10 from the A-25. Result of the play is a first down. The dead ball penalty happened between the end of the play and the RFP. Assess the yardage and set the chains.
I guess I am mininterpretting NFHS Rule 5-1-2. It states as follows:

A new series of downs is awarded as follows:

After a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd down, a new series of downs shall be awarded only after considering the effect of any act during the down and any dead ball foul.

After a 4th down, a new series of downs shall be awarded only after considering the effect of any act during the down, other than a nonplayer or unsportsmanlike.

In the situation I posted above, it was 1/10. Team A obtained the line-to-gain during the play but commited a dead-ball personal foul. We should consider that act before awarding a new set of downs, right? Or am I misinterpreting this somehow? Help and comments are always appreciated.

Rule 5-1-2 pertains to live ball fouls. Dead ball fouls are penalized from the dead ball spot after 5-1-2 is applied.

That happened in the Tennessee-Oakland game.

Once A reaches the line-to-gain it will be a first down. Then the dead ball penalty will be applied. Then first and 10.

Before 5-1-2 was revised that dead ball penalty would have been enforced from the dead ball spot giving an additional 15 yards to the line-to-gain. In other words, A would get the first and ten. Then a 15-yard penalty. First and 25.
Ed Hickland, MBA, CCP
[email protected]
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