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Old Thu Oct 07, 2010, 07:45pm
UmpTTS43 UmpTTS43 is offline
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Originally Posted by mbcrowder View Post
Why is it that no one can post a dissenting viewpoint to a previous post without throwing in an insinuation that the person you're disagreeing with is obviously not a "real umpire".

The OP did not just say that the coach ran out to discuss a call. He said, " sprinted directly toward the umpire and got right in his face."

You're going to let that nonsense go? Especially repeatedly as in the OP? Maybe "running at an umpire like that" was too much of a generalization. But a coach coming out to discuss a call, and a coach sprinting directly toward and umpire and getting in his face are two COMPLETELY different things.

Your original quote was, "You run at an umpire, buh bye."

You have since edited to read, "You run at an umpire like that, buh bye."

I was commenting on the original quote and stand by it. No respectible umpire will run a coach for simply running/sprinting out to discuss a call. Even if he is yelling while he is headed out there, an immediate ejection will get you no where, especially college on up.

People have said to put up the stop sign. I think that is another totally bad and bogus idea. Of course he's going to run it if he is running out of the dugout and he's mad.

If this happens to me, I simply ask the coach, as he is coming out, "Are you going to talk to me or are you going to yell?" If he doesn't answer me or says he is going to yell, I tell him that this conversation is over and walk away. If he follows me, I will then tell him that if he follows me again, he will be ejected. Now it's up to him. He's had a legitamate warning with an opportunity to stay in the game. Most times, they will turn and head to the dugout.

Game management and handling situations are unfortunately on the job experience. Being a red a$$ with a quick finger is not the ideal way to handle things. Outside of the "automatics" when it comes to ejections, emphasis is on trying to keep coaches in the game. Running out yelling is not an automatic including if he gets bill to bill with you.

Last edited by UmpTTS43; Thu Oct 07, 2010 at 08:08pm.
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