Originally posted by mikesears
Originally posted by Derock1986
3. 1/10 from A-20. A32 runs the ball 20 yards to the A-40. Several seconds after the ball is dead, A78 blocks and levels B99. Please assess the penalty and state down and distance.
Posted by Derock
I have a dead ball personal foul on A78. The enforcement spot is from the end of the run, 15-yard penalty, Team A has the ball 1/10 from B-45.
Posted by Mike
I'm not sure if you are correct. -- I'm learning. Help me out on this one guys. Won't it be 2/5? A new line-to-gain is not established until all live-ball and dead-ball fouls are penalized, right?
Oops, I enforced the penalty in the wrong direction. It should be 2/5 from the A-25.