Thread: Free Throws
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Old Tue Oct 05, 2010, 02:43pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Terrance "TJ" View Post
I just want to clarify my understanding here. On the OP having that situation applied to middle/jr. high or high school ball, the correct procedure is that all technicals are shot after any free throws needing to be shot. Do I still remember some of the rules? (I had a rocky and very short season last year, hoping I haven't lost all of what I learned last year. Is there an 'intro' thread I came bore you all with my story?)
The correct procedure is to enforce the fouls in the order they occurrred.

If that doesn't happen, and it turns out that FTs are shot "out of order", then it's a mistake, but all the FTs count.

I was given both an 08-09 IAABO HS edition rule book as well as 09-10 NFHS rule book for use here in CO. So I guess we call by NFHS, never had that discussion in our meetings, have read from both and been right using either book.
I don't think there's really any such thing as "IABBO Rules." There are IABBO mechanics, and maybe some state adopted rules.
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