Questions Answered.
Quick question: Was this a newer umpire?....No
Yeah, it's a rule and we are expected to enforce it.....May I ask what rule you are refering to? Depending on which rule you may have been refering to...enforcement of a a rule was never not expected. And chances are (again depending on your reference) any rule would work AGAINST that particular coach and team. Thus the umpire gets a free out and isn't that what some umpires claim to be working for? Outs? Why take away an oppurtunity of a out on someone elses stupidity (aka...the coach)
Why do some coaches think that some rules don't apply to them?...Again what rule?
I'm still looking for the written rule that says a gate to the dugout has to be closed???
Get off the dang field. If I let you stand out there and the ball hits you, it's my fault. ...Again. Why do you care? I understand a small innocent reminder to the coach, but why the BIG SHOW. How is it your fault? I got a speeding ticket last week. There was a sign and everything on the road. I tried to call the state highway dept to tell them it was their fault but they still refused to pay the ticket. Right before they started laughing at me and hung up the phone.
Honestly...I appreciate the answers and thoughts. It still does not explain why the small things are exploided to such a degree and yet items like illegal pitches are ignored. Power trip by the umpire....probally. Which is extremely important in front of 12 year olds.....gotta show them who the boss is.