Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Well, seeing you're back on FED rules now.....
2004-05 Basketball Rules Interpretations:
Situation 3: A1 is fouled by B2 and is awarded two free throws. The foul is B2's fifth foul. The new trail official reports the fifth foul to team B's coach. Before a substitute is made the lead official incorrectly permits A1 to to attempt the first free throw. The officials realize the errror and huddle to discuss the situation.
RULING: The result of the first attempt shall stand. Team B's head coach shall be notified of B2's disqualification. Once B2 has been replaced, A1 shall attempt the second free throw. This is an official's error and not a correctable-error situation according to rule 2-10. (2-8-3, 4-4-1, 6-1-2c, 10-5-1d)
Close enough for me. Just extrapolate the logic used to the situation being discussed.
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Nice cite, but it has absolutely nothing to do with shooting FTs out of order. It only addresses a player not being DQ'd properly---it merely says action that occurrs between when they should have DQ'd and when they are actually DQ shall stand. They didn't award an unmerited FT nor did they not award a merited FT.
The difference is that when the ball becomes live for the wrong FT, it becomes a correctable error situation...the deserved FTs were not awarded and the game has progressed.