Thread: First White Hat
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Old Tue Sep 28, 2010, 03:43am
GoodwillRef GoodwillRef is offline
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Originally Posted by RichMSN View Post
I know it says this in the mechanics book, but I've never understood why it's needed -- all it does is take one person who's cleaning up and force him to turn to the press box to give an signal that's not needed.

As for the rest, it will eventually become second nature if you do it enough.
I would totally agree with Rich...I never signal after the score to the press box for this exact reason. You turn to signal and a kid gets jacked 30 yards away from the score and everyone sees it but you. I also never signal or say untimed down...if you are at a varsity game I hope the timer knows not to run the clock on a PAT.
Every game is a big game
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