Sat Sep 25, 2010, 09:02pm
Fav theme: Roundball Rock
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Near Dog River (sorta)
Posts: 8,558
Canadian Ruling
Originally Posted by whitehat
Situations in game last night:
1. A throws long TD pass. during play B holds.
what we did: gave A choice of enforcing hold on PAT or KO. They chose KO.
that was easy enough...
2. later in the game...A kicks unsuccessful PAT. After the play is dead on the PAT (after whistle) B is flagged for dead ball personal foul on kicker.
what we did. I was R in this game (BTW)
A coach wanted to replay the try. I told him since it was a dead ball personal foul that was not an option and it would be enforced on the KO. My crew (as I want and expect them to do) came to me professionally quesioning this. I explained had it been a roughing (a foul during the play .i.e enforced as a live ball foul) then we can replay. Since it happened in the dead ball interval after the PAT (even though it was just a second or two) we enforce at the succeeding spot, which is the KO.
What think ye?
- Holding is a minor foul, and does not carry over. Team A will decline the hold to keep the TD.
- The dead ball UR is only enforced on the KO.
Pope Francis